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Smart Buildings

Safeguard people, property and assets using trusted IoT Services.

HID Location Services

Whether you want to track many assets across multiple locations or a few high-value assets within a specific area, asset management must provide location accuracy and inventory shrinkage regardless of industry, environment, or asset type. HID Location Services provides both real-time visibility and actionable data on equipment, people, and processes. Tracking assets using HID allows for maximum flexibility on what, where and how you manage assets, allowing you to set up policies to track movement in/out of inventory locations, track assets in real-time within one-meter accuracy and much more.

Smart Building Key Features

How It Works

The HID Location Services platform complements your HID physical access controls and asset tracking system, providing accurate, real-time location awareness and analytics for building occupancy and asset management. The system combines the power of Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE), Wi-Fi and cloud-based technologies to provide a unique, seamless experience. As a result, organizations receive increased visibility into their workplace and can use predictive analytics to quickly understand space usage and building operational efficiency. Despite these impressive capabilities, the system requires minimal infrastructure for implementation and integrates easily into existing building management systems using REST APIs.

Employee Safety

To keep the workplace safe, companies must implement newly required policies outlined by government and healthcare agencies around the world. HID Location Services delivers new applications to digitally secure physical distancing, automate contact tracing and monitor the usage of hand sanitation stations.

Streamline Maintenance and Inspection

Through seamless integration with existing Computerized Maintenance Management Software (CMMS), facilities managers can easily manage service events and monitor mobile technicians and inspectors across multiple locations by simply implementing HID Trusted Tag™ Services. By adding a trusted NFC or BLE tag to office or capital equipment, assets are instantly internet-enabled to securely engage with mobile, web-based CMMS, and other preferred business apps. A simple tap with an NFC or BLE enabled mobile device automates the maintenance and inspection process — delivering a secure, mobile experience while extending the life and performance of capital equipment.

Trusted Security Guard Patrol

HID Trusted Tag Services combines NFC technology and cloud-based authentication with partner IoT applications, allowing property management to accurately track security checkpoints and enabling security guards to instantly respond and report fraudulent activities throughout the building — day and night.


Security guards can patrol areas of the building more easily and efficiently since each patrol stop is automated and does not require a manual sign-in process. With a simple tap of their mobile phone to the secure Trusted Tag, guards digitally prove that the security patrol stop took place at the proper location.

Simplify Key Management

Physical key management is simplified and automated by applying an NFC tag to each key, which can then be tracked and traced more efficiently. Using applications from HID Global partners, organizations can automatically record and monitor keys logged in and out of the property.


The solution also saves time and resources by automating procedural changes, thus replacing paper-based logs. Teams can generate accurate record-keeping through automated reports and real-time accountability of missing keys. Additionally, the cost and headache of replacing keys are significantly reduced.

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